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Wildlife Biologist and Conservationist Bridget Fry captures the beauty of these animals through her photography.

Bridget trained and worked as a veterinary nurse, progressing to a head nurse position in Derby, Midlands, UK. Having obtained her zoology degree, she then became a Zoo manager in the veterinary department of one of the leading UK zoos.
Always having a passion for Big Cat conservation, whilst doing her MSc, Bridget worked with CCF on a paper looking at their Livestock Guarding Dog Programme, preventing human conflict with Big Cats. 
To continue her passion for wildlife conservation and to raise funds, and awareness of these endangered species Bridget has formed BigPaws4Thought Ltd where she promotes her unique photographs and sketches with all profits going to Big Cat conservation projects all over the world.
This means Bigpaws4Thought allocate funds to the heart of conservation project for many Big Cats species.

Resting lions in Zambia, Africa

Watch the resting lions closely and see how they use their tails to deter flies from landing on them. Eventually they get irritated and start to try and catch them with their mouths.




African wild dogs after a hunt in Zambia, Africa

The endangered African wild dogs, otherwise known as the Painted dog (due to their colourful coat colour), can be seen here after a morning hunt. In this particular pack there was was three dogs, that shared their kill and sleeped during the afternoon in the shade. As they sleeped they lay in three directions to keep look out for predators in the bush.




Flocks of Southern carmine bee-eater in Zambia, Africa

These brightly coloured birds fly in flocks, as they migrate between central to South Africa. They nest in river banks in colonies, by crocodile infested waters, as a way to protect themselves from predators. This makes them a difficult bird to photograph, but I have managed to photograph a few and these can be found in my Wild Africa portofolios.